My hubs Don was grieving the loss of his best girl, Lacey. We started talking about adding another dog to our family one day- one that would be Don's dog. He needed a dog of his own that he could train and love. I offered to buy him any dog he wanted when we decided the time was right. He deserved that for so many reasons.
Was the timing right then? Nope. Ripley {my oldest guy at 12.5 years old} is not fond of other dogs. We BARELY got him to accept Bryn {our diva}. We are in the middle of getting Don's house ready to put on the market, we are planning a wedding, and Don is moving in here. Lots happening. Lots of changes.
ANYWAY! Don and I had lots of chats about what breed we considered as a potential next family member. Finally, we decided on the English Cream Retriever as our next dog. I have always wanted a Golden Retriever, and Don really wanted a dog who was affectionate and who smiled! The smile was important! We researched the breed and became more certain this was the best breed to add to our family someday. That was that. I wasn't thinking we would add a new puppy to the mix until Ripley passed {He's 12.5 years old.}, and I was NOT ready to think about that!
OHEMGEE! I took ONE look at her sweet face and all logic left my brain. Nope. No more waiting. We were getting THIS puppy, and NOW!
Okay. Hold up! Let me back up and explain. I was at the beauty salon, and my hairdresser started talking about this adorable goldendoodle puppy she just got. A fan of the breed, I asked where she found the puppy. I could not believe the coincidence that a former neighbor of Don's just mentioned the same place as one she recommends to people all the time. {Turns out she has two dogs from them.}
So, I got curious. SO what? All I planned to do was peek at the website to see if they had any English Cream Retriever puppies since we decided this would be the breed we'd choose once we got a pup in the future. So, I entered the breed in the search bar, and holy heck! Puppy heaven!! There were SO many adorable little girls and boys to treat my eyes with.
And then, there she was. Pearl. So pretty, and sweet, and PERFECT! THIS was OUR puppy! RIGHT NOW! To heck with our timeline!
I decided to let my hubs in on my decision. When I turned around in my seat and showed him Pearl's adorable face and said, "I found our puppy," He didn't believe me at first. In fact, I believe his words were, "Don't even joke with me right now." I assured him I was absolutely NOT messing with him and messaged the breeder on the spot. To say Don was stoked is an absolute understatement! Once we sent the first text, he was hooked. He must've asked every 2.3 seconds if I got a reply from the breeder yet. We heard back and went to pick her up the next day! {I swear, neither of us got much sleep that night!}
Pearl is a perfect fit for our family! I believe her fur siblings are happy to have a new playmate. Her mama loves her sweet kisses, her human brothers adore her, and she's the love of her daddy's life. Welcome to the Klinsky family, Pearl.